Thursday, 30 January 2014
As I have spare time I have come up with the idea to create the album cover for my band so it can be displayed on my double page spread along with the band members.
Tuesday, 28 January 2014
Draft Article
In today’s modern world we seen a new diverse sense of music and there are many bands that show this way of producing music. Over the last few months the new up and coming band The Sirens have been traveling around the world and producing music left right and centre! The Sirens are a prime example of a band that produces electrifying music that will leave your ears wanting more. The band which formed in January last year has been touring over the world leaving their fans breathless at the venues they have been playing at. The Sirens are a unique band formed by the lead singer Amy fisher and her closest friend which she met at a talent competition and her name is Lauren Seale. Since that day the band have been performing together with Lauren on the electric guitar. The Sirens have gained fame from their first album “Day of the Dead” which sold over two and a half million copies worldwide and this year the band plan to release their second album “Hepiternal” which will be released in around a month or two. We have had The Sirens in with us to discuss their latest album and what has been going on in the crazy world of The Sirens. We interview the lead singer of the band Amy as the other band member was away and couldn’t be interviewed at the time and she gave some very wild answers. Our interviewer Tony Williams was with The Sirens singer as the interviewer.
From when I interviewed Amy band I thought she seemed like such innocent girl but then I realised soon after we got speaking I was in for a crazy interview.
So you’re the lead singer of the sirens that must be a challenging job?
Hum yeah it is a challenging job to be at the front of the stage but my voice isn’t the main part of the band we’re a team and my girl are just as equal and Lauren has a great singing voice she’s just a little shy.
Oh right well maybe you should get her to sing in a future song?
Yeah I guess that would mix things up but it’s up to her I guess.
We all know you have a new album coming out could you give us some details on the album?
Well our new album is called Hepiternal and features some very new and unique songs that no one in the world has heard before so it’s a major album you should look out for.
Oh right well I know I’m buying the album straight away.
*Laughs* hopefully everyone else does too.
So Amy over the last couple months what’s it been like for you and the girls?
Well it’s been hard work producing a second album and recording so many songs but after all the hard work will pay off. Me and the girls have been all over the world to different settings finding inspiration for our songs and obviously soaking up the sun along the way.
I wondered why you had such a good tan
*Laughs* well we have had our fair share of highlights along the way to producing this second album such as relaxing days and also messy nights that I can’t really say in an interview. Let’s just say we’ve been living the dream and having fun along the way.
Bet it was hard coming back overseas to England again?
It hasn’t been that bad actually I’ve missed home and my family and the weathers been quite nice the last few weeks I guess.
I’ve always wanted to know how you came up with the name of your band?
Oh yeah I guess that’s a question most people have been asking well when I was a little child I always wanted to be a mermaid but have always been quite rebellious and mermaids are just too girly for me so I liked the idea of being a siren who is pictured to be a darker version of a mermaid. The girls seemed to like the idea and though the band should be called The Sirens. The name also fits the fact we sing rock songs as rock is represented with blackness and death.
I’m sure you all are innocent at heart?
*Laughs* maybe we are, you’ll have to find that out for yourself.
Well that’s all we have time for I’m afraid so I hope it all goes well with your latest album and hopefully you sell more records than your first breath taking album any last words?
Thanks it means a lot and yes before I go I want everyone to know that the world is turning.
From when I interviewed Amy band I thought she seemed like such innocent girl but then I realised soon after we got speaking I was in for a crazy interview.
So you’re the lead singer of the sirens that must be a challenging job?
Hum yeah it is a challenging job to be at the front of the stage but my voice isn’t the main part of the band we’re a team and my girl are just as equal and Lauren has a great singing voice she’s just a little shy.
Oh right well maybe you should get her to sing in a future song?
Yeah I guess that would mix things up but it’s up to her I guess.
We all know you have a new album coming out could you give us some details on the album?
Well our new album is called Hepiternal and features some very new and unique songs that no one in the world has heard before so it’s a major album you should look out for.
Oh right well I know I’m buying the album straight away.
*Laughs* hopefully everyone else does too.
So Amy over the last couple months what’s it been like for you and the girls?
Well it’s been hard work producing a second album and recording so many songs but after all the hard work will pay off. Me and the girls have been all over the world to different settings finding inspiration for our songs and obviously soaking up the sun along the way.
I wondered why you had such a good tan
*Laughs* well we have had our fair share of highlights along the way to producing this second album such as relaxing days and also messy nights that I can’t really say in an interview. Let’s just say we’ve been living the dream and having fun along the way.
Bet it was hard coming back overseas to England again?
It hasn’t been that bad actually I’ve missed home and my family and the weathers been quite nice the last few weeks I guess.
I’ve always wanted to know how you came up with the name of your band?
Oh yeah I guess that’s a question most people have been asking well when I was a little child I always wanted to be a mermaid but have always been quite rebellious and mermaids are just too girly for me so I liked the idea of being a siren who is pictured to be a darker version of a mermaid. The girls seemed to like the idea and though the band should be called The Sirens. The name also fits the fact we sing rock songs as rock is represented with blackness and death.
I’m sure you all are innocent at heart?
*Laughs* maybe we are, you’ll have to find that out for yourself.
Well that’s all we have time for I’m afraid so I hope it all goes well with your latest album and hopefully you sell more records than your first breath taking album any last words?
Thanks it means a lot and yes before I go I want everyone to know that the world is turning.
Monday, 27 January 2014
Band Name and Album Name
Magazine Genre: Rock
Magazine Name: Venom Magazine
Band Name: The Sirens
Band Album: Hepiternal
Band Quote: The world is turning
Magazine Name: Venom Magazine
Band Name: The Sirens
Band Album: Hepiternal
Band Quote: The world is turning
Saturday, 25 January 2014
Survey Analysis
This is my analysis of the results I have collected from my survey. I cam up with questions that are relevant to my magazine and posted them on my blog and collected the results after.
I have found out that most people between the age of 16 and 18 buy magazines and also that a higher percentage of males took my survey and this corresponds with the fact that most of the people on this survey chose their favorite magazine to be kerrang magazine. Most people in this survey only buy magazines a few times every month so probably once a week and most people like magazines because of their eye catching design.
Music Survey
Friday, 24 January 2014
Evaluate Class Feedback
After posting my pitch on my blog one of my fellow class mates posted a comment on the pitch to share with me his ideas and comments about my pitch.
Michael Reeder:
"This is a very good representation of text also it shows clearly the main bands which have inspired you. I like your choices for a band name and what you have called your magazine as I think it fits your genre well. Overall a good post."
After reading through Michaels feedback on my pitch I have realised i have some good ideas as other people like them as well. Michael explains on how the representation of text can easily be read so I am glad to know my pitch wasn't too hard to read. I know I had chosen the right example pictures for my pitch as Michael also talks about them as well.
Angus Simmons:
"I think you have good ideas of what you want your final magazine to look like and these ideas are explained well on this short Animoto pitch. Everything works and the names you have come up with relate to the genre."
After reading Angus's feedback I have found out that my ideas are ideal for a rock magazine and that my ideas are good quality. The name I have come up with for my magazine fits the genre perfectly.
Millie Leader:
"I think your ideas are pretty good so far Callum I like the idea that your are doing a rock band as I know there are not many people doing that kind of genre. Your pitch is clear and represents your ideas and outlines your inspirations. You are heading in the right direction! Keep it up! Well done, great work."
Millie left me feedback on my pitch which described the fact that I had chosen a rock magazine and it was a great idea as many people had not chosen to do that type of genre of magazine. Millie also states that my pitch was clear and easy to follow which is good.
Michael Reeder:
"This is a very good representation of text also it shows clearly the main bands which have inspired you. I like your choices for a band name and what you have called your magazine as I think it fits your genre well. Overall a good post."
After reading through Michaels feedback on my pitch I have realised i have some good ideas as other people like them as well. Michael explains on how the representation of text can easily be read so I am glad to know my pitch wasn't too hard to read. I know I had chosen the right example pictures for my pitch as Michael also talks about them as well.
Angus Simmons:
"I think you have good ideas of what you want your final magazine to look like and these ideas are explained well on this short Animoto pitch. Everything works and the names you have come up with relate to the genre."
After reading Angus's feedback I have found out that my ideas are ideal for a rock magazine and that my ideas are good quality. The name I have come up with for my magazine fits the genre perfectly.
Millie Leader:
"I think your ideas are pretty good so far Callum I like the idea that your are doing a rock band as I know there are not many people doing that kind of genre. Your pitch is clear and represents your ideas and outlines your inspirations. You are heading in the right direction! Keep it up! Well done, great work."
Millie left me feedback on my pitch which described the fact that I had chosen a rock magazine and it was a great idea as many people had not chosen to do that type of genre of magazine. Millie also states that my pitch was clear and easy to follow which is good.
Response to Staff Feedback
After receiving my feedback from my teacher I have a strong idea on what I need to improve to make sure that i can achieve the maximum level possible in my coursework. My teacher highlighted in a list the main problems that I would need to improve to reach a level 4 and I have gone back and improved on certain pieces of work.
Thursday, 23 January 2014
Monday, 20 January 2014
Reflection Of Preliminary Task

How does the preliminary task represent particular social groups?
The preliminary task represents the students at lutterworth college as the magazine is created by school students for students in the lutterworth college community. The magazine represents certain groups as it can be targeted at groups around the school such as people who are creative with art or people who enjoy reading. The magazine represents these groups by including articles that show what is going on in that social area or school.
Who would be the intended audience for your product?
The intended audience for the preliminary magazine is the social groups that are seated in different areas of the school. The audience is not just students though but the staff ass well who might like to read the magazine to see what is going on around the school they work in.
How did you attract/address your audience?
I attracted my audience by using a bright colour for my background and also using a photo of a student who had just won the 100m dash as it was a main story and everyone wanted to know how that certain student had came to win the 100m dash. I also attracted my audience by showing the stories that are placed inside the magazine and I made sure the stories were not boring and would keep the audience wanting more fro the next issue.
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
I have learnt that using a design program such as Adobe Photoshop would be suitable for creating a magazine front cover and other things such as the contents page and a double page spread. Photoshop has many design features allowing it to be a very prestigious designing program used all over the world when designing products such as magazines.
Weekly Post
This week firstly I plan to improve the parts of my work that need improving so I can reach the highest mark possible. I will also gain feedback from other students and give feedback to other students. I plan to evaluate my preliminary magazine design too
Friday, 17 January 2014
20 song playlist
This is my 20 song playlist which i have created using modern rock bands that would be featured in a rock genre magazine like kerrang magazine. These songs are from a various amount of bands some with heavy metal singing and others with a lower vocal tone to the song.
Institution That Would Publish My Magazine
I have decided to research on media institutions that would publish my chosen magazine genre. I started by searching for popular media institutions and over all I have come to the conclusion that Bauer Media Group would be the most suitable institution for my magazine. Below I have talked about the research I found out about the institution.
Bauer media group is the institution that produced Kerrang magazine and they own over 80 well known media brands spanning across the world. This institution reaches out to 19 million UK adults every week. The company was first started in Hamburg in Germany which now operates in 16 countries worldwide.
The reason I have chosen Bauer Media Group is because they are the institution behind Kerrang
magazine which is a very prestigious rock magazine which is known worldwide.
Bauer Media Group already produce a rock magazine and it would seem stupid that the media group would also produce my rock magazine as well as Kerrang but the reason they would produce my magazine as well is because my rock magazine if based on new and upcoming rock bands rather than older rock bands that always get shown in rock magazines.
My magazine would fit in along side with Kerrang magazine because Kerrang is a older rock magazine which uses older rock bands whereas my magazine will show new and upcoming rock artists and bands.
The reason I have chosen Bauer Media Group is because they are the institution behind Kerrang
magazine which is a very prestigious rock magazine which is known worldwide.
Bauer Media Group already produce a rock magazine and it would seem stupid that the media group would also produce my rock magazine as well as Kerrang but the reason they would produce my magazine as well is because my rock magazine if based on new and upcoming rock bands rather than older rock bands that always get shown in rock magazines.
My magazine would fit in along side with Kerrang magazine because Kerrang is a older rock magazine which uses older rock bands whereas my magazine will show new and upcoming rock artists and bands.
Thursday, 16 January 2014
25 Word Pitch
These are the ideas for my 25 word pitch.
Artist/Band profile
Name - The Sirens (Band)
Members - 3 Girls maybe 1 boy.
Ages: all 16 or 17+
Nationality: English based band, possibly from Leeds or Birmingham
Inspirational Bands: Asking Alexandria, Bring me the Horizon, Green Day, Evanescence and slipknot
Job Roles: all part time at various places.
Educational Status: all either doing college courses or A-Levels
In my 25 word pitch i will speak about what sort of Artist/Band I have chosen to go for and why. I will also speak about the name of my magazine and why I have chosen that name for my magazine and why it fits into the genre I am working with.
Audience Profile

Age: 17
Background: Lives in Enderby and is currently taking his first year of A-Levels at Lutterworth College
Occupation: Full Time education and part time work as a landscaper with his dad.
Likes: Joe likes to play rugby as he plays for a local team with mates and he also enjoys football as he supports the team Chelsea which are a high status team. Joe also likes to socialise with mates and listen to music in his spare time.
Dislikes: Joe dislikes things such as hip-hop and rap music as he thinks the music is rubbish and hasn't got good enough lyrics so he cannot stand to listen to that genre of music. Joe also dislikes to spend time inside and always has to be on the go.
Ambitions: Joe's ambitions in life it to carry on the family business as a landscaper that his dad and his uncle currently occupy now.
Musical Preferences: Joe is a passionate lover of rock music as he likes to listen to that genre of music all the time with his headphones in. Joe likes to listen to Rock music as he thinks this music is diverse to others and stands out above the rest with a heavy beat.
Idols: Joe's music idols are bands such as "Fall out boy" and "Green day" which are bands which are usually placed into magazines such as rock magazines. Joe also has idols such as heavier rock bands like "Slipknot" and "Bring me the horizon".
Media Consumer Habits: Because Joe plays Rugby often he goes to gym and works out to music often and always listens to rock music while working out. Joe also travels around Leicester playing rugby for his team so he listens to a lot of the radio and his favorite radio station is Kerrang Radio as it plays rock music daily.
Relevant Photographers

Rankin is a well known English fashion photographer and in 1999 he founded Dazed Film & TV which was a production company that would produce the first mast-head television broadcast ever.

Terry Richardson
Terry was born in New-York and is a fashion photographer who suffered from schizophrenia and drug abuse problems. He has directed some music videos in his career and also has filmed a documentary about Lady Gaga.

Ellen von Unwerth
Ellen first became famous when she photographed Claudia Schiffer. Her work has been published in top magazines like Vogue, Vanity Fair and i-D. She won the first prize at the International Festival of Fashion Photography in 1991.
Craig McDean
Craig originally worked as a car mechanic before he decided to study photography and his work has been placed on magazines such as i-D and The Face which are major magazines. He has had advertising campaigns for clients such as Calvin Klein.
Rankin is a well known English fashion photographer and in 1999 he founded Dazed Film & TV which was a production company that would produce the first mast-head television broadcast ever.

Terry Richardson
Terry was born in New-York and is a fashion photographer who suffered from schizophrenia and drug abuse problems. He has directed some music videos in his career and also has filmed a documentary about Lady Gaga.
Ellen von Unwerth
Ellen first became famous when she photographed Claudia Schiffer. Her work has been published in top magazines like Vogue, Vanity Fair and i-D. She won the first prize at the International Festival of Fashion Photography in 1991.
Craig McDean
Craig originally worked as a car mechanic before he decided to study photography and his work has been placed on magazines such as i-D and The Face which are major magazines. He has had advertising campaigns for clients such as Calvin Klein.
Relevant Graphics Designers
Graphics Designers:
5 names every graphics designer should know:
Paula Scher:
Paula is an american graphics designer and was born in Washington DC and she is also an art educator in design. She was the first female principal at Pentagram which she joined in 1991.

Neville Brody:
Neville is an English designer and art director and he became famous from his direction of cult UK magazine "The Face" between 1981 and 1986. In earlier times he is known for redesigning the front cover of the "The Times" in 2006 which created a new font and then the BBC website in 2011.

David Carson:
David is the director of the music and lifestyle magazine Ray Gun he became the most influential graphics designer of the 1990's. He was a big fan of grunge typography. The first edition of his End of Print monograph first published in 2000 sold 35,000 copies.
Milton Glaser:
Milton was awarded the national medal of arts by president Obama in 2009. He is widely know for his I Love New York logo which he created in 1977. He has also worked for Bob Dylan, DC Comics and The Brooklyn Brewery as he created all their logos.
Stefan Sagmeister:
Born in Austria, New York-based graphics designer and typographer has had somewhat of a resurgence in the last year mainly because he joined partners with young graphics designer Jessica Walsh. Over the last year he has designed logos for Rolling Stones, HBO and Time Warner.
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