Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Draft Article

In today’s modern world we seen a new diverse sense of music and there are many bands that show this way of producing music. Over the last few months the new up and coming band The Sirens have been traveling around the world and producing music left right and centre! The Sirens are a prime example of a band that produces electrifying music that will leave your ears wanting more. The band which formed in January last year has been touring over the world leaving their fans breathless at the venues they have been playing at. The Sirens are a unique band formed by the lead singer Amy fisher and her closest friend which she met at a talent competition and her name is Lauren Seale. Since that day the band have been performing together with Lauren on the electric guitar. The Sirens have gained fame from their first album “Day of the Dead” which sold over two and a half million copies worldwide and this year the band plan to release their second album “Hepiternal” which will be released in around a month or two. We have had The Sirens in with us to discuss their latest album and what has been going on in the crazy world of The Sirens. We interview the lead singer of the band Amy as the other band member was away and couldn’t be interviewed at the time and she gave some very wild answers. Our interviewer Tony Williams was with The Sirens singer as the interviewer.

From when I interviewed Amy band I thought she seemed like such innocent girl but then I realised soon after we got speaking I was in for a crazy interview.

So you’re the lead singer of the sirens that must be a challenging job?

Hum yeah it is a challenging job to be at the front of the stage but my voice isn’t the main part of the band we’re a team and my girl are just as equal and Lauren has a great singing voice she’s just a little shy.

Oh right well maybe you should get her to sing in a future song?

Yeah I guess that would mix things up but it’s up to her I guess.

We all know you have a new album coming out could you give us some details on the album?

Well our new album is called Hepiternal and features some very new and unique songs that no one in the world has heard before so it’s a major album you should look out for.

Oh right well I know I’m buying the album straight away.

*Laughs* hopefully everyone else does too.

So Amy over the last couple months what’s it been like for you and the girls?

Well it’s been hard work producing a second album and recording so many songs but after all the hard work will pay off. Me and the girls have been all over the world to different settings finding inspiration for our songs and obviously soaking up the sun along the way.

I wondered why you had such a good tan

*Laughs* well we have had our fair share of highlights along the way to producing this second album such as relaxing days and also messy nights that I can’t really say in an interview. Let’s just say we’ve been living the dream and having fun along the way.

Bet it was hard coming back overseas to England again?

It hasn’t been that bad actually I’ve missed home and my family and the weathers been quite nice the last few weeks I guess.

I’ve always wanted to know how you came up with the name of your band?

Oh yeah I guess that’s a question most people have been asking well when I was a little child I always wanted to be a mermaid but have always been quite rebellious and mermaids are just too girly for me so I liked the idea of being a siren who is pictured to be a darker version of a mermaid. The girls seemed to like the idea and though the band should be called The Sirens. The name also fits the fact we sing rock songs as rock is represented with blackness and death.

I’m sure you all are innocent at heart?

*Laughs* maybe we are, you’ll have to find that out for yourself.

Well that’s all we have time for I’m afraid so I hope it all goes well with your latest album and hopefully you sell more records than your first breath taking album any last words?

Thanks it means a lot and yes before I go I want everyone to know that the world is turning.

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